
Whiting Pro Grade Midge Saddle

Whiting Pro Grade Midge Saddle

SEK 1 199,00

80% of the feathers on the midge saddle will tie flies size 18 to 24!

The ultimate in dry fly tying! If you have never used Whiting Dry Fly Hackles, you will not believe how good they are until you try them. With long supple quills and incredible barb density capable of tying down to size 26 and even smaller, Whiting Genetic Dry Fly Hackle is the connoisseur’s choice for fly tying. This product line derives it heritage from the legendary Hoffman grizzly super hackle stock and has been selectively bred since the mid 1960’s specifically for fly tying.

80% of the feathers on the midge saddle will tie flies size 18 to 24!

Whiting dry fly saddles are graded based on the approximate number of flies each pelt will tie. The grade does not, as is sometimes thought, denote hook sizes of the hackle. The following steps are carried out to determine the quantity of flies each pelt with provide:

  1. The approximate number of usable dry fly tying feathers is counted for both sides of the pelt. (Example: a 95 count on the left side and a 100 count on the right side total 195 usable tying feathers).

  2. The average hackle length is then measured. (Example in drawing shows pelt average of 8 inches).

  3. The tying size of the feathers are determined. Most saddles have two predominant sizes (i.e. #12 and #14, #14 and #16 etc), with some hackle on either side of the predominant size.

  4. The total number of flies per pelt i calculated. (An 8-inch feather that is size 14* will hackle four flies; 195 usable feathers multiplied by four flies equals a minimum of 780 flies. * It is important to note as hackle decreases in size, a given length will tie more flies).

  5. The saddle pelts are then placed in their appropriate grade based on the minimum number of dry flies each pelt will tie:

Bronze: A minimum of 500 flies
Silver: A minimum of 800 flies
Gold: A minimum of 1100 flies
Platinum: A minimum of 1500 flies

Article #:N/A
Availability: 01.01.40


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