
American Hen SH/C

SEK 349,00

Subsurface flies which incorporate feathers can create some of the most attractive and effective fishing flies. The Whiting Farms Soft Hackle with Chickabou pelt provides two distinct types of feathers for these exceptional subsurface flies, each with a multitude of applications.

Soft Hackle: The Top portion of the pelt contains two panels of full web, Matuka type, wet fly feathers. The feathers on either panel are mirror images of one another and so can be paired for balanced opposing sides of the fly. These feathers, when used full, are ideal for Matuka and Sculpin flies. They are also great for shorter tarpon and saltwater flies, and full feather bass and panfish flies. They are also excellent for wrapped hackle applications for steelhead and salmon flies.

Chickabou: The marabou-like feathers at the narrow end of the pelt are much finer and more delicate than traditional turkey marabou, which tends to be too large and coarse for many flies. Chickabou can be used in two basic ways. Tied in as tails on Wolly Buggers or as body material for incredibly alive, breathing and undulating motion.

Article #:N/A
Availability: Yes


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