
Headway Strategic Float

Headway Strategic Float

£ 69,90

For over a decade, Flyfish Europe has been heavily involved in developing fly lines for the European market under the Scientific Anglers name. We’ve brought trendsetting, highly successful lines tailored to the specific needs of European anglers, for both single and double-handed rods. Fly line development has always focused on pushing the limits of technology and performance, ensuring purpose in every product.

After our successful introduction of the Headway Multi-Tip Shooting Head System, we realized there was a need for shorter bellies in an angler’s arsenal. Choosing the right belly length is strategic, depending on river size, deep wading, or limited space for D-loop management while anchoring the cast. Opting for a shorter belly is also beneficial for less experienced casters.

We proudly introduce Headway Strategic Bellies. These tapers are a more compact version of the well-received Headway bellies. Headway Strategic features the same powerful rear-weighted taper as Headway, effortlessly loading the rod and making spey casting easier. One primary focus was creating tapers that don’t hinge during the back or forward cast, as hinging can sap energy from the loop during both anchoring and casting.

The development of our new Headway Strategic Bellies was purpose-driven with the angler in mind. Our goal was to complete the Headway/Headway Strategic as a comprehensive fly line system with the best casting abilities while covering every fishing scenario an angler might encounter.

Like Headway, the Headway Strategic perfectly matches with the existing Headway Tips.

Headway Strategic Bellies come in four different weights/lengths and five different densities.

  • The bellies are designed to be used with a tip (They don’t work properly without)
  • Bellies come in Five different variants (Float, Float/ Sink 2, Intermediate, Intermediate/ Sink 3 and Sink 3/ Sink 5)
  • Rear-end weight distribution makes the bellies perfect for loading your fly rod, and provides excellent angled casting abilities
  • Orange tracer at the read-end of the belly ensures visual control while casting and fishing
  • No hinging in the transition between belly and tip. Makes for harmonious casting, smooth loops, and a better presentation (with straightened tippets)
  • Textured coating, which - compared to traditional lines - makes the lines easier to pull out of the water prior to casting
  • Scientific Anglers line-ID on both bellies and tips, so you can always identify the right line for the right job
Article #:N/A
Availability: 01.03.25


You think your floating line isn’t floating as well as it used to do, or isn’t as slick as it used to be? The reasons and the ways to fix this are probably pretty simple.

Lines float because they are lighter than water, and because they are hydrophobic; they repel water. For lines to float their best, both of these features need to be working. The density of your line won’t change, it won’t absorb water and become waterlogged and sink, but if it gets dirty it won’t repel the water well and it will float lower in the surface tension and may get pulled under now and then. The key to good flotation is keeping your lines clean so the hydrophobic surface works.

Cleaning with soap and water on a cloth removes most of the dirt, but cleaning pads work even better. Properly cleaned, your lines will float better, cast better and last longer, certainly a good trade-off for a couple of minutes of line maintenance.

To use the cleaning pad, pinch the pad over the line so that the abrasive, non-foam side touches the line. Pull the fly line through the pad under some tension. Repeat this process until some of the fly line color is visible on the pad.

Clean your lines every 2-3 outings, or anytime you think dirt is hindering their performance. The cleaning pads are easy to carry in your vest or tackle bag and can be used anytime, wet or dry.

Note that flyline dressing can be used to reduce friction during competition- or practice casting scenarios, but we don’t recommend it for fishing.

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